Impact Identification – Unique Identity Card Solutions

Students & Schools

Let us create and produce a long-lasting, professional quality ID card for the students in your life. Our identification products positively influence pride, self-awareness, and productivity in students by design. With an easy-to-read ID card loaded with school and education information, such as schedules, student numbers, etc., students will be more prepared to take on long days in the classroom. Check out our templates and give us your details so we can get to work on a school ID that will make an impact today. We can customize the look & information to adjust to the needs, wants, and preferences of your student body, teachers, parents, and support staff. The possibilities are endless. Let’s work together to create a useful product everyone on campus can be proud of!

Influencing Everyday Self Awareness

It’s more than just another card in your wallet. Every item we offer is designed carefully and crafted to influence knowledge and awareness. Whether purchasing for business, or personal use, we’re using facts to make an impact on your bottom line. We encourage you to know yourself, love yourself, and identify yourself with an Impact Identification card.